Take a look at this video of my son, Netanel, reading from the Torah this morning. He is chanting the text according to the Sephardi-Yerushalmi melody. Although this was not his debut performance (he read the Haftara of Shabbat Shuva as well as nearly all of the additional aliyot on Simhat Torah), it was the first time reading Torah on a day that it could be recorded.

Netanel just turned seven on Monday but he has been active in helping to lead daily, Shabbat, Holiday and especially Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur services for a full year already. Our family and community are very proud of his achievements and we have been inspired by his commitment to Torah and Tefillah at such a young age.

(The tefillin he is wearing in the video are not real; they are toy tefillin designed for educational purposes only.)
