Nehamat Yaaqov 5768

I am proud to once again present “Nehamat Yaaqov”, a compendium of the essential laws of the Three Weeks and Tisha B’av. Many thanks to those who provided feedback that was helpful in revising and otherwise improving the work. You can download a PDF...

Fasting and Mourning

From the perspective of halakha and also of experience, fasting and mourning share a great deal in common. On a basic level, both involve a somber attitude, a withdrawal from creature comforts, and a tendency to introspection. In terms of observance, there is a...

Where Was I?

Unfortunately, on the heels of my promises to continue blogging, I experienced major computer-related difficulties and literally had no computer access for several weeks. This directly interfered with my plan to commence the new series of posts I had outlined...