Tisha B’Av Letter 5772

Every year, I send a message to my congregation before Tisha B’Av. Here is the letter I composed and sent before Tisha B’Av 5772/2012. Dear Members and Friends, This Saturday night marks the beginning of the darkest and saddest day on the Jewish calendar,...

Why the Nine Days Don’t “Work”

From the first day of the Hebrew Month of Av through the Fast of the Ninth of Av (Tisha B’Av), Jews observe various mourning practices in commemoration of the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. They refrain from eating meat, drinking wine, having...

Eliminate Denominations

This is a letter that I submitted to the Washington Jewish Week and was published in the current edition: Dear Editor, Chief Sephardic Rabbi Shlomo Amar was roundly criticized for his negative statements about Conservative and Reform rabbis in a recent issue of...