Eulogy for Hazzan Rebibo Z”L

This week, the highly esteemed and beloved Hazzan Emeritus of Magen David Sephardic Congregation, Mr. David Rebibo, passed away at the age of 95. His funeral was held on Wednesday at noon. I cannot claim that the eulogy I delivered was a sufficient tribute to his...

Invocation for Senator McCain

As reported in the current edition of the Washington Jewish Week, I was invited to deliver an invocation in support of Senator John McCain at a Jewish fundraiser for his presidential campaign last Sunday.The full text of the invocation I composed and delivered can be...

Politics and Propaganda

I recently received an article by Cathryn Michon entitled “Beyond the Palin”as an email forward. Apparently, the piece has been circulated widely on the Internet, and held up as a very persuasive critique of the McCain-Palin ticket.As a registered...