Tisha B’av Repost

I just revisited one of my posts from last year on the topic of Fasting and Mourning. I probably should have drawn attention to it earlier given its relevance to the observance of Tisha B’av, but I suppose it is better late than...

Tisha B’av Letter 5769

Last year, I posted the Tisha B’av message that I sent to my community on my blog. This year, I am posting a different message – this is the response I sent to an email that was distributed by one of the respected administrators of the Jewish Federation of...

Is The Ninth of Av a Holiday?

One of the most fascinating practices of Tisha B’av is the omission of tahanunim. Typically, these more somber sections of prayer are omitted on festive occasions but are expanded and elaborated upon on fast days. We would expect that on Tisha B’av, the...

Anger and Error

The Sages observe that, each time the Torah describes Moshe Rabbenu getting angry, he is also depicted as erring in his conduct or making a mistake in his application of halakha. The final instance of this is provided in Parashat Mattot, wherein Moshe Rabbenu becomes...

Three Cardinal Sins

The Talmud (Yoma 9B) tells us that the first Bet Hamiqdash was destroyed because of three grave sins that had become widespread in Israel – idolatry, sexual immorality and murder. What is remarkable about this description of the failings that lead to the...